Among a few fixes and new features, Marked 2 now has Passive Voice detection included in the Keyword Highlighting feature (⌘⇧K). I’ve also expanded the default “Use Alternate” dictionary, which highlights words that you may want to find an alternate, less ambiguous or complex word for. To update your word list, you can copy any words you’ve added, use the “Reset to Defaults” button, and paste back in any customizations.

Get the update through Marked’s auto-update feature (Marked->Check for Updates), or download a trial version at As I mentioned last time, if you’re a Marked 1 customer looking for upgrade pricing, just shoot me an email.

I’m working on incorporating detection of long sentences, per HemingwayApp, but it’s a bit more complex to do in Marked’s web preview than it is in a textarea. I have a solution worked out, but it remains to be seen if it’s practical (and useful enough to warrant the effort). The App Store version is coming along, and that takes higher priority at this point.