Quick tips are random posts regarding something I discovered on my way to something bigger. They usually get longer than “quick” would imply, for which I refuse to apologize.
I’ve been having an issue with the latest version of Growl (1.3.1) where notifications randomly get “stuck.” No amount of clicking and option-clicking will make them go away. Until there’s a fix for this, I’m using a brute force restart to clear them. I have it set up as an alias (killgrowl
) in my .bash_profile
and as a LaunchBar action (Restart Growl.scpt). It’s a really simple command:
killall Growl && open -a Growl
And in an AppleScript in ~/Library/Application Support/LaunchBar/Actions/Relaunch Growl.scpt
do shell script "killall Growl && open -a Growl"
Easy enough, right? You could run the AppleScript from any launcher (e.g. FastScripts), too. Like I said, brute force and lacking in any elegance, but it’ll get me through until a fix comes out.