A few years ago, back when the Macworld conference was still a thing, I did a presentation with David Sparks and Merlin Mann. We delivered 60 Mac tips in 60 minutes. It was quite a feat, and a dizzying amount of information. David and I decided to turn that into a more usable compendium, and released 60 Mac Tips on iBooks. Today we’re announcing Volume 2.

Volume 2 is a collection of entirely new tricks and tips to make you more efficient on your Mac. 60 screencasts and two hours of video demonstrating and explaining each tip. I joined David and Katie on this week’s Mac Power Users to talk about creating the book.

They’re geared toward everyone, from beginner to advanced. To me the difference between a “user” and a “power user” is their level of curiosity, not their current level of skill. If you’re someone who buys a book like this, you have the curiosity. We’re aiming to give you new skills.

Topics include:

  • macOS
  • Siri
  • keyboard shortcuts
  • Spotlight
  • Automator
  • Safari
  • Mail
  • Apple Notes
  • Apple Photos
  • Terminal tips
  • third-party apps.

I had a great time working with David on this, and I hope it shows in the final product. I think you’ll enjoy it.

You can get the new book in the iBooks Store for your Mac, iPad or iPhone. The iBooks Store version was created in iBooks Author and includes the highest quality interactivity available.

We’re also offering this book as a streaming/downloadable product from Vimeo. The Vimeo version also includes closed-captioning and higher fidelity video (1080 vs. 720 in the iBook).

60 Mac Tips, Volume 2 from David Sparks on Vimeo.

One More Thing

We also updated Volume 1 to version 1.2 on iBooks. We replaced tips that didn’t work anymore, and updated tips that have changed. The update is free on iBooks if you own the first volume already. Otherwise, you can get it on the iBooks Store or Vimeo Streaming/Download.