I mentioned the 2.0 release of the Tower Git client for Mac last week, and I was exited to hear from them that they’d love to give away four copies on my blog. If you use Git, you’ll want to take a shot at these ($59 value).

As I’ve said before, I do 90% of my committing, branching, tagging, merging, and rebasing on the command line as second nature. But when things get hairy, you can’t beat a graphical, clickable log of all your commits with instant diffs and file navigation. Combined with Kaleidoscope, I’m really happy with the setup.

You can enter just by dropping your name and email below. Winners will be drawn on Tuesday, August 8 at 12pm CST. I’ll be mailing codes directly to the winners (well, the Giveaway Robot will). Open to everyone, come and git it!

Sorry, this giveaway has ended.