I got a lot of grief last time I posted about Cheaters for not opening with what it was. I just assume everyone reading this tracks everything I do, which would be a difficult proposition, even if it were true. So:

Cheaters is a simple system for creating and loading cheat sheets generated from web pages. It provides the frameworks and plenty of default cheat sheets, but it’s simple to add your own. It runs off of a local web server or remotely, if you choose.

Anyway, on to the updates.

First, I moved the repository around a little to make maintaining the demo sheets easier. The main system is now located in /cheaters/, where you’ll find an index-example.html. The example file is so that you can maintain your own index.html file without it being overwritten by updates. Just copy index-example.html to index.html and you won’t have to worry about rebuilding it every time. Some updates (like this one) may require extra JavaScript loads, so you’ll need to manually update index.html based on index-example.html on those occasions.

Next, the pretty cool part: You can now use straight Markdown files in Cheaters (thanks to marked.js). Just create a Markdown file that uses h3 titles for each section, and Markdown tables for charts of shortcuts. When you link to a file ending in .md in the index file, it will convert those on the fly when loaded in Cheaters.

Here’s an example:

### Keyboard Shortcuts

### Text shortcuts

^a|Beginning of line
^e|End of line
^f|Cursor forward
^b|Cursor back
^n|Next line
^p|Previous line
^k|Delete to end of line (kill)
^y|Paste buffer

Saved as “cheatsheets/keyboard.md” and linked like this:

<li><a href="cheatsheets/keyboard.md">Keyboard</a></li>

will become:

You can use all standard Markdown, plus tables. You just can’t include table captions as defined by the MultiMarkdown spec, so use h3 (###) headers instead.

To make things even easier, the following text will be replaced with its corresponding symbol:

  • xSHIFT
  • xOPT
  • xCTRL
  • xCMD

Have fun.

Cheaters v2.1.2

Customizable cheat sheet system

Published 01/26/14.

Updated 04/17/18. Changelog

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