I have a pretty good home networking setup with my AirPort Extreme. The wireless is fast, AirPlay works everywhere, and I have secure access to my always-on Mac mini via dynamic IP, with media storage, local web development hosts, FTP access, homebridge, and more. Well, I did…

My ISP, Spectrum (nee Charter) recently switched to assigning IPv6 addresses to all dynamic IP clients. This basically broke everything in my setup. After a few failures and some frustration (networking is not my strong point), I found the solution in a 2015 article by my friend from the TUAW days, Steve Sande.

On an AirPort Extreme, you can just pop up AirPort utility (on your Mac or your iOS device) and edit your router settings. Go to the Internet tab, select the Internet Options button at the bottom, and uncheck “Enable IPv6 Connection Sharing.”

Boom. Done. Everything is working again, from dynamic external IP to AirPlay on all devices. Hope that helps anyone else with the same issue.