I’m working on a “Brainstorming workflow” post right now, and in the process I realized I needed a better tool to turn quick Markdown/plain text scribblings into mind maps. I put together a script that will accept a variety of (logical) plain text outline formats and convert them into an indented list in your clipboard. The result is formatted so that pasting it into a mind mapping application will result in a perfect set of topics and nodes for expanding on the outline.
I often start an idea in a text file, whether it’s on my iPhone in Notesy, or in nvALT on my Mac. An outline can only go so far for me, though, so I usually end up taking it to a mind mapping application for further expansion. Most mind mapping applications (including MindNode, Mindjet MindManager, Curio, and MindMeister) accept indented text as an “import” option. In the cases of MindManager and MindNode, you can just hit V (paste) in a map to create the nodes from the clipboard. In Curio, just right click and choose “Paste as… Mind Map.” In MindMeister you have to save to a text file and import it, but it’s still a very convenient way to start a map.
I’ve packaged the script as both a System Service and a PopClip extension. They both do the same thing; it’s just two ways to access the script based on your preference.
What the script does is take any “logically” formatted outline and turn it into a plain, tab-indented list in your clipboard. The input text can be any combination of Markdown lists, sequential headlines, paragraphs or indented text. Running the Service or PopClip extension on a basic list such as:
You can also use sequential ATX-style headlines (## headline) to create topics, and you can mix in plain text and Markdown lists to create additional sub-nodes. The lowest level header becomes the top-level node. Another example with mixed formats:
# Brainstorming
## Outlining
### nvALT
Plain text lists
### OmniOutliner Pro
## Mind mapping
### Mindjet MindManager
### Curio
- internal mind maps
- can convert to outlines
- copy as OPML
- embed maps from other apps
### MindNode Pro
Export OPML
Basically, whatever format you outline in, the script should be smart enough to pick up on and convert for you. If you have a system that doesn’t work, let me know!
System Service
To use the script as a Service, download the zip file below, extract it and place it in ~/Library/Services (more info). Then, with outline text selected, right click and choose “Markdown to Mind Map” from the right-click menu.
If you use PopClip, download the PopClip extension as part of the “Brett’s PopClip Extensions” package and double-click the Markdown2MindMap extension to install it. The source is available on in the GitHub repository.
This solves a gap in my workflow nicely, and hopefully it will be of use to others. I’ll post a more detailed workflow showing how I use it as part of my brainstorming process soon.