Congratulations to the winners of the OmniOutliner 3 giveaway! It turned out to be one of the most popular giveaways I’ve ever run here.

There ended up being 6 instead of 5 because the Giveaway Robot made its first ever mistake1. Omni was very gracious and provided an extra code to remedy the snafu.

I’ve heard back from most of the winners already, but if you’re on the list and haven’t heard from me yet, let me know and I’ll re-send the email.

  • Guillaume Barrette
  • Mac
  • Vincent Oostindie
  • Abhishek Jain
  • Adam Hansen
  • Florent Costiou

Thanks again to everyone who entered, and if you didn’t win, you can grab the free trial and there’s still a little time to snag the intro price!

  1. Ok, fine, it was human error. I hit CTRL-c because I realized I’d made a typo in the email template, but the first random winner had already been sent. If the Killotron has any fault, it would be that it’s too good to be stopped.