I’m pleased to report that—with minimal effort on my part—nvALT and Marked are running fine on Mountain Lion. I tested them a few pre-releases back, but got confirmation from a slew of users on Twitter (thanks everybody) that there appear to be no issues.
If you’re not using the 2.2 beta release, you should grab it. It’s perfectly stable. We’re just working on a couple of Simplenote sync bugs before putting out an official release, but there’s plenty to love in the current beta. The source on Github—should you want to compile it yourself—includes a couple of bugfixes not in the current release, as well as a more pleasing menubar icon. There should be a beta update within the next week or so that includes these.
The beta version is on its own track for automatic updates, so if you’re running the beta, any new betas will show up as auto-updates. The 2.2 stable release, however, will be on the main update track and will require a new download if you’re running the beta. Users still on 2.1 will see the new release automatically. Just for reference.
In Mountain Lion, you may need to adjust your settings under System Preferences -> Security and Privacy -> “Allow applications downloaded from:” to “Anywhere.” I haven’t run into this myself, but there was at least one report on Twitter of this being necessary.
Marked 1.4 (current App Store version) should install and run without any snafus. The 1.5 version is nearing the end of the beta cycle and should be available to all Lion and Mountain Lion users soon.
The rest
Much remains to be tested as far as script-based utilities and other tricks I’ve come to rely on. I’ll be posting updates and fixes as I wade through my pile of productivity hacks. I’ve been running a barebones install of ML for a while, but have only now updated my main setup on my MacBook Air. We’ll see how it goes.