I’ve just pushed nvALT 2.2β 104 to the server. It should be available for all current users of the 2.2 beta under “Check for Updates.” If you’re not currently using the beta, you’ll need to download and update directly using the link below. Note that we’re no longer supporting previous versions; despite the beta label, it’s more stable than 2.1 is right now. This should be the final beta release before an official 2.2 version.

One of the main new features in 104 is Simperium sync. This replaces the older Simplenote API and should provide super-stable note sync with Simplenote. The only caveat is that if you have very large notes (400k+), you may have sync on those notes rejected by Simperium. If that’s the case, you should stick with Dropbox sync. For most users, though, this upgrade should alleviate prior issues with Simplenote and I can once again say it’s a good option for cross-platform synchronization.

As a side note to developers, the Simperium API requires an API key that we’re not distributing with the source (which is now updated on the master branch). To build locally, you need to obtain a key (instructions in the source code) and copy the SimperiumConfig-example.h file to SimperiumConfig.h. Edit it to point to your own key.

I’ve also added a “Preview in Marked” command. It’s in the menus, but is easiest to access with Control-Command-M (^M). It will save the current state of the note and open it in Marked. Marked will remain in the background so that you can keep editing without switching back and forth.

There are several other tweaks and bugfixes in this release. See the full release notes for more information.

(The download has been updated to build 105 to fix Lion compatibility issues and restore missing tabs.)

nvALT v2.2.8 (128)

A fork of Notational Velocity with MultiMarkdown preview and advanced Markdown editing capabilities. Other good stuff.

Published 06/08/13.

Updated 09/19/17. Changelog

DonateMore info…

If you need to revert while we solve any issues, the 101 beta is available here.