Macworld iWorld logoI thought I’d mention that I’ll be joining David Sparks and Merlin Mann on stage at Macworld this year (well, next year, technically). We’ll be presenting “40 tips in 40 minutes” (it will be more than 40). Tickets to the conference track are only US $75 this year, so I highly recommend getting in on this! Prices go up a little after December 5th, so get your pass to all of the Tech Talks now!

Rob Corddry is also going to be doing a workflow presentation with Merlin, David and Katie Floyd, which is another talk you won’t want to miss. I recently learned that Rob is an nvALT user, which makes me want to meet him all the more. I’m looking forward to the whole experience.

For those who can’t attend, there will be a website version of our presentation, too, and it will probably continue to grow afterward. Hope to see you there!