Man pages make Unix go ‘round. I can’t think of any system that’s better documented, and the answers are almost always right at your fingertips.
There are a dozen ways to view a man page, starting with man [command]
on the command line, which is by far the most common and often the most useful. But with a few tricks, you can load your man pages into something that allows better search, screen-permanence, and easier copying for saving example lines, etc..
The first trick I’ll show you is how to get a man page open in It’s simple, the man
command has an output format ready for PostScript conversion:
man -t [command] | open -f -a Preview
An aside about the open
command… You can open any Mac app, or open files directly with the app, using open
(OS X only). The -a
flag tells open
which app you want to open, and accepts a simple application name or a full path. Leaving that off and running it directly on a file or URL will use the default app for that type. The -f
switch tells it to read input from STDIN. Also, the -F
switch will open it “fresh,” meaning no windows are restored. That can be a handy one if you have an app crashing on a particular document that keeps restoring on launch. open -a "Marked 2"
is a fast way to open a Markdown file in Marked 2.
To get a similar effect in other apps that output man-formatted pages, such as git help
, you can spell out the equivalent like this:
MANWIDTH=80 MANPAGER='col -bx' git help rev-parse \
| groff -P-pa4 -Tps -mandoc -c | open -f -a
the -P-pa4
sends an A4 page size to the groff printer, which is the only way I get output that doesn’t have split lines over page breaks.
In your text editor
You can use a similar trick to send your man pages to an editor like Sublime, which can take input on STDIN and create a temp file automatically. With the subl
tool installed:
MANWIDTH=80 MANPAGER='col -bx' git help rev-parse | subl
This can be aliased in your .gitconfig
shelp = "!shelp() { MANWIDTH=80 MANPAGER='col -bx' git help \"$@\" | subl ;}; shelp"
Note that git help
has another interesting shortcut that lets you jump to the web-based version of local documentation: git help -w [command]
Third party apps
There are quite a few handy third-party tools for viewing man pages as well. vimpager (available through brew
) is an alternative to less
that you can use in a man
command with the -P
flag: man -P vimpager groff
. Depending on your Vim setup, this can give you syntax-highlighted, easy-to-navigate man pages. MANPAGER=vimpager man groff
has the same effect, and you can export MANPAGER=vimpager
in your profile to have it be the default.
Bwana is a tool for opening man pages in your web browser. Once installed, you can use open man:groff
to open the groff
man page in your default browser. You can also use it directly in the browser window by just typing “man:groff” as your url.
There’s a handy, dedicated man page viewer called ManOpen, too. It can run “apropos” searches and open any page from a text field, including easy linking between associated man pages. It has a url scheme: “x-man-page:groff” will open it from the command line or from a web browser. I use a bash function that runs open x-man-page:$1
when I type oman groff
Last, but not at all least, is Dash. Dash can load all of your system man pages as a Docset, and then you can access it with the Dash url handler: open "dash://man:groff"
. All the benefits of Dash with the same accessibility as the other methods.