The Nimblstand is a new iPad stand that offers some serious flexibility in a lightweight and portable format. It actually works with any tablet, and even works pretty well with most phones.

I had the opportunity to try out a prototype of the Nimblstand for a while before it hit the market. I’ve been impressed, and it’s become my primary stand both at my desk and while I’m working out and about.

The feature I like the most is its integration with the Apple Bluetooth keyboard. You can slide the keyboard right into a slot on the stand and have a full-size keyboard to work with on your iPad, similar to the Origami. The Nimblstand is also designed to work fluidly with a Wacom Bamboo stylus, and has an internal storage slot and “inkwell” style holder for when it’s in use. You can order a Bamboo right along with the Nimblstand for an extra $16.

The primary feature of the Nimblstand, though, is its configurability. You can use it with any tablet in an upright position, with or without a keyboard attached. It has a wing on the back for support. The wing slides out and can be attached to the keyboard side to create a more compact form factor. In this configuration, the tablet slants back at a steeper angle, perfect for lap use or drawing. I’ve come to prefer this angle on my desktop as well, positioned near my keyboard for a downward viewing angle and available at a glance without obstructing the rest of my desktop. I use the same angle for my iPhone.

It’s not the most aesthetically-refined piece of hardware you’ll see. It’s made of lightweight (but very sturdy) plastic and has some rough edges. In my opinion, its flexibility and portability make up for that.

The Nimblstand sells for $49.95, and you can add the Bamboo Wacom stylus for a total of $66.95. Check it out at