I made you a thing this morning. It’s called Bunch and it’s a utility for launching preconfigured groups of apps and documents.

Bunch sits in your Dock with no windows. When you right click it, you get a list of your “bunches,” and selecting one launches, well, a bunch of apps. It’s designed for starting a new “context” on your machine, e.g. a specific project, or just “work” or “play.”

Bunch can launch apps, open specific documents in an app, and load web urls. It’s pretty simple. I mean, I wrote it this morning in about an hour.

As a teaser/example, here’s what happens when I choose “nvUltra” from Bunch:

  • Launch MeisterTask
  • Launch Slack
  • Launch Xcode and open nvultra.xcodeproj
  • Launch Tower and open the nvUltra repo
  • Launch iTerm (if it isn’t already)
  • Launch Sublime Text and open the documentation project and the “themes” project

See? It’s useful. Check it out on the Bunch project page.