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As part of a larger roundup this last week, Michael Raphael was kind enough to remind people on Twitter that I do, as a matter of fact, have T-shirts for sale. I figured I’d remind folks here, too.

Updated, with apology: Not having anything in my own culture or heritage that I consider off limits for a joke, I’m not always sensitive to the culture and heritage of others. I realize, though (a bit late, obviously), that the Spirit Animal t-shirt was likely offensive to some, and I’d rather not perpetuate that. I’m pulling that one from sale, to be replaced with something unoffensive when I come up with a way to humorously express the same sentiment in a more culturally sensitive way. I apologize to anyone I offended. The ones that have sold thus far are officially “limited edition,” but if you want a replacement, just let me know. I’ll eat the cost and get you something else if needed.

I don’t make a huge profit margin on the shirts and other accessories, but this is one way I can ask for support and provide something tangible in return. Donations to my “coffee fund”, of course, have a higher profit margin for me. As a consequence of being self-employed, I don’t make anything on all of my dev time until a product (cough nvUltra) ships, so your support of my non-commercial pursuits and all of the stuff I share for free helps me get through.

While I work on a new design, there’s the Lab 2.0 logo t-shirt, now available in a premium tri-blend, or perhaps the **BOLD** coffee mug, as an ode to my love of Markdown. See all the available styles at The Lab storefront. And don’t forget about the Rock Scissors collection, including new material options for (my favorite t-shirt I’ve ever made) the I Wanna Be shirt.

Thank you for all your support!