Ok, another month, another nvUltra update. As I’d warily predicted, my initial hopes for an August release slipped, and I’m currently making more conservative predictions. I’m not going to put an ETA on it this time, but before you grow concerned, let me tell you where things are at and why I’m being cautious.

We’ve added another 500 testers from the initial signup list at this point, plus a slew of additional edge-case testers, and we have our hands full keeping up with feedback and forum posts from the current pool of users. Fletcher works in a hospital ER, and I have my own side-pursuits (not a Doctor) to pay the bills while we develop this, so it’s 2 part-time guys working with 1000+ users and a very active beta feedback forum. There’s a lot of excitement, though, and it makes it a lot of fun to continue interacting with everyone.

We’re feature complete for 1.0, and now we’re just working out bugs and making sure everything that’s there works the way it should for every user. New feature requests are being discussed and debated, but implementation of any additional features will now wait until after the initial product ships. I’m also working to wrap up documentation on the extensive list of features packed into nvUltra’s simple interface.

I have an initial icon concept about 50% done, but it’s not confirmed as the final direction yet. It interprets “Ultra” as pinnacle and uses the nib of a fountain pen as the peak in a mountain range. Shown here in greyscale because I haven’t finalized a color scheme for this direction yet.

Some extra screenshots for you…

The Modern Red editor theme
The Modern Red editor theme

The default light theme with Resolute preview theme
The default light theme with Resolute preview theme

A preview of some of the powerful editing features we have in store
A preview of some of the powerful editing features we have in store

Stay tuned. I’ll be starting to use the mailing list to provide updates soon. Sign up at nvultra.com.