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I had been doing a decent job of posting progress updates for nvUltra, but fell out of the habit for a bit there. So here’s the latest news.

The beta continues as we solve a few final bugs. Some of them are “mysterious,” as in we’re unable to replicate what some testers are experiencing, so those might take a little longer to sort out and make the official rollout as smooth as possible. Our biggest concern is data loss, which is not a problem, but we still want to avoid as many issues as possible.

Image of saved search menu
Saved searches in action

We hit a feature-complete point in the development for 1.0. Then we added one new feature, saved searches, which I’m really happy about. The implementation uses the dropdown from the magnifying glass in the search/create field, and you can save searches directly from there and edit/rename them in Preferences. They get assigned automatic shortcut keys, and you can sort the order of searches to change the order of keyboard assignments. It’s working quite well.

The beta is absolutely full at this point, but we’re not far from release. Please continue to be patient, I promise it’s coming!

Addendum: For those who don’t know, Fletcher is a doctor working at a hospital, so a lot of our schedule is subject to the current pandemic and the strain on health care professionals’ workloads. Best of health to everyone!