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Koen Colpaert 10y, 352d ago

I always include Caffeine to prevent the Mac from entering sleep mode when I'm going through some paperwork

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Ari 10y, 352d ago

Thanks for a comprehensive list! Regarding DayOne, are you experiencing any sync problems between Mac and iOS app? I'm using Dropbox as storage and editing entries on both apps feels pretty unreliable.

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Xiaoning Wang 10y, 354d ago

Thanks for the post!

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ttscoff 10y, 354d ago

I was hoping you'd see this, forgot to ping you on Twitter.

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Xiaoning Wang 10y, 354d ago

No worries! This is a better way to reach more audience. And I just find out about ControlPlane today, feels like a better/simpler alternative to Sidekick which I've been using. Thanks as always!

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sreit 10y, 354d ago

Hey Brett, you can tell Arq to only back up on specific Wifi networks now, so that you don't have to quit on hotel wifi. It's in the preferences.

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ttscoff 10y, 354d ago

Thanks, I forgot about that!

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winteum 10y, 354d ago

Still no Bartender free or cheap alternative for a feature everyone knows should be included in the OSX.

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rjames86 10y, 354d ago

Wow and I thought my menu bar was full. Thanks for sharing!

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