Nice update Brett! I love it. Much nicer to have it all in a new tab and the 'preview' and 'update' works nicely.
One possible bug I've found is you can only have one instance of a variable per link. e.g:
[%t]: %u "%t" gives [TabLinks 2.0 « Brett Terpstra]: "%t"
The second %t is ignored and returned as just text.
I might be odd needing this but it'd be nice to grab title for both link and title attribute. An alternative would be the option to grab highlighted text or clipboard contents too.
(I want jam on it!)
Love version 2.0 though. Really really useful. Thanks buddy.
I don't think I'll be adding selection or clipboard grab, that goes a little beyond the scope of what it's meant for. It's a thought, though…
I hadn't considered using the template variables twice in a string, but it's an easy change. I need to wait for Apple to approve the current version before I make any more changes, but I'll add the "g" to the regular expression to replace all variable instances for the next release.
Thanks Brett... two variables will be great. Look forward to it.
Understand about scope creep. Good to keep it simple. It's just I really liked the Firefox 'Make Link' add-on.
Perhaps I can find a way to make a javascript bookmarklet to do the work
Actually, I was discussing this with another user, and for some people AppleScript is the way to go. You can take a script like this one, modify it to match your desired output, and trigger it with an app like FastScripts. The linked script inserts to Evernote, but can easily be modified to just go to clipboard or any app that can take input from AppleScript.