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Erik Mueller-Harder 11y, 15d ago

I love this app, and I love ’most everything you’re doing with it. I do hope you’re not going to get on this “passive voice is evil” bandwagon, though, and that — if you are going to provide any passive voice detection “service” — you also manage somehow to get it to identify the passive more accurately than everything else and also provide a link to sources that explain how (1) the passive probably isn’t what you think it is and (2) it really needn’t be avoided.

Please see linguist Geoffrey K. Pullum’s relevant posts at [Language Log](http://languagelog.ldc.upen... at the Institute for Research in Cognitive Science at the University of Pennsylvania.

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ttscoff 11y, 15d ago

Marked makes no judgements, just points things out :). The method of detection is fairly close to other apps, and I don't think there's a much more accurate way to do it as quickly as Marked needs to. Thanks for the link, I'll include it when I update the documentation.

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Brennan Sang 11y, 17d ago

Just today I lamented the fact that I had to look elsewhere for quick-and-easy passive voice detection in submitted copy. Thanks for the quick response. That's my favorite kind of service, the telepathetic kind.

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