Man. Looking at that screenshot with the Modern Red theme, this feels like something that was made just for me. I love Sublime+Marked, and have been super impressed with VS Code (especially on the Win10 machine I need to use at work) but this seems to be what I've always wanted in a markdown editor.
I can't wait to give you money for this.
I'm very excited. I've purchased The Archive and found it to be excellent. There's definitely room for another top notch program. nvUltra looks beautiful already. I've very curious to play with the functionality.
You guys are helping to define how plain text and markdown files are organized and managed into the future. It's a big responsibility. The rest of us organize our notes and files based on the tools we have at our fingertips. As the quote goes: "We shape our tools, and then our tools shape us."
Here I go with a feature request upon only looking at a screenshot: Is there a way to tighten the spacing on the sidebar? Right now it's showing ≈17 filenames, but there's enough room for more like 50 filenames in the example shown. I admit over-spacing is a thing now; it looks better/cleaner; but at least for my purposes (and others I've talked to) it reduces functionality. EDIT: Nevermind, I see the ability to modified this under the "Advanced Appearance Options" in the Help manual. You guys are awesome. (Now I just need that beta invite!)
That said, I am very excited to see in which direction this tool will shape the future of note-taking!