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Gerben Vos 12y, 283d ago

open -a GrowlHelperApp worked for me.

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Brett 13y, 41d ago

Do you have both the old version and App Store versions installed?

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Haarball 13y, 42d ago

Just had a stuck notification, and this worked well. Still got the "Unable to find application named 'Growl'" message, though, see comment above.

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Haarball 13y, 54d ago

I get: "ps: Invalid process id: Growl".

But when I open Growl (via Alfred, from sys prefs, doesn't matter), I'm getting two windows. They both seem to be part of system preferences, but it looks there is two versions running side by side. Hmm.


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Haarball 13y, 55d ago

The first time I run it in Terminal, I get: "Unable to find application named 'Growl'". If I run it again I get "No matching processes belonging to you were found" until I launch it again. Never does the menu bar icon disappear, but when I open the Growl prefPane (using Alfred) after either of these I get the "Welcome to Growl" window. So, it works?

(Haven't had a chance to test it on a "stuck" notification yet, but I do get those quite often)

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Brett 13y, 55d ago

What do you get if you run ps ax|grep Growl while Growl is running?

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Carlos Tames 13y, 98d ago

Great!! works very well ;) ty

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Lri 13y, 136d ago

If the app doesn't need to be force quit, you could use something like: reopen() { osascript -e "quit app \"$*\"" -e "delay 0.5" -e "activate app \"$*\""; }.

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