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Ryan Gray 11y, 199d ago

This could also be an interesting alternative way to view the outline of a document for something you are writing.

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Enno 11y, 201d ago

Brett, I love you.

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plastikstuhl 11y, 209d ago

That's most definitely a very cool script. However, there is still a minor bug, which screws all the Umlaute in a Text, i.e. ü to √º or ä to √§ and all so other characters like … to Ķ

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ttscoff 11y, 208d ago

I'm seeing this issue, but I can't figure out a workaround. I'll see what I can do.

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Rodrigo 11y, 200d ago

First of all, you rock brett. I barely know how to work now without Marked, nvALT and most of the awesome "rabbit holes" you come up with.
I did notice the "bug" too, it renders all diacritics as nonsense (at least those used in Spanish and Portuguese, my main writing languages). I know you're one of the busiest nerds/geeks around, but It would be **much** appreciated if you could figure out a workaround. Thank you **very** much.

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Ken 11y, 211d ago

Anyone get this working with Scapple? It works great with Mindnode Lite, however, in Scapple, the entire list is placed in one bubble. This happens whether I manually make a starter node or paste into a blank map. It also makes no difference whether I use the service or popclip extension, as I would expect.

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Jillian 11y, 212d ago

Would be great if it worked with Delineato Pro (for me the best mind map application out there)

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Jair 11y, 213d ago

Looks like this is for the desktop. Any chance for something on iOS only?

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Patrick Ahles 11y, 213d ago

Looks like XMind already has a "Central Topic" and inserts everything as a subtopic. Otherwise great!

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ttscoff 11y, 213d ago

MindJet MindManager does the same thing. In those cases I just skip the top-level node and put all the second-level topics at the same indentation (none). Then when I paste all I have to do is edit the central topic.

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Patrick Ahles 11y, 213d ago

That's what I was thinking. Simply use the document/note name as the central topic in case your short term memory isn't functioning properly ;)

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Hubert CAMPAN 11y, 214d ago

Brett, as always you succeed in reading (mapping 😉) my mind. Sought of it, you did it ! I can see how I can use this script. I'll try it for sure. Thanks. Hubert

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Radagast 11y, 214d ago

Wonderful ! Exactly what I was dreaming about. Do you think you could make it work with NovaMind 5 or Delineato pro ?

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