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Stéphane 12y, 95d ago

Nice tools, just got them and use Marked with sublimetext2.

Any chance to get final release of these tools soon ?

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mmafc 12y, 145d ago

Got @page working for page count, page margin, headers and footers for PDF, here's how:

<li>Compose in nvalt (awesome think-space, right?)</li>
<li>Preview in Marked, make a customized .css page (bonus: I edit this in nvalt)</li>
<li>Save as HTML from Marked</li>
<li>Convert to PDF with PrinceXML (free non-commercial version with a little-bitty watermark in the upper right hand corner... fine for my purposes). Command line tool, non-taxing.</li>

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Mikael Henriksson 12y, 170d ago

Or you could use like I do.

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Randy 12y, 237d ago

Are you going to register for gatekeeper? I would prefer the "middle ground" (App Store and Identified Developers). I use nvalt all the time. Thanks!

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Randy 12y, 237d ago

Actually, I guess you can open an app from an unregistered developer by control-clicking on the icon and then selecting "open" from the menu. You have to confirm once. When I quit and double clicked, it worked fine.

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Brett 12y, 238d ago

Great tip, thanks.

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Gabe Anzelini 12y, 238d ago

Or you can just run:
% xattr -d

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