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unverified 3y, 360d ago

Still waiting and hoping!

An idea: what if NVUltra became part of Setapp? That seems like a great fit, and it would guarantee some of the income (right?) that, presumably, is holding up development?

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unverified 4y, 37d ago

This is MUSC Fletcher Penney? He does native mac dev on the side... for fun? Or just Perl and there's some fancy wrapper for MultiMarkdown Composer?

I've always enjoyed MMD table support and used it (as an unofficial standard, at least) to create complex table support in MarkUpDown, but would've never guessed it was a side gig (other than his site and twitter went into hibernation two or three years ago and I started wondering where he'd gone).

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unverified 4y, 208d ago

When is NvUltra going to be released? Any closer ETAs now?

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Brett 4y, 208d ago

We've finally settled on our pricing model and are wrapping up the last few bugs for release. I can't put an actual date on it yet, but it's very close.

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unverified 4y, 208d ago

Is it going to be subscription? At least will there be an option to not have subscription?

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unverified 4y, 323d ago

Using nvALT still on Catalina thanks to fairly recent updates. I enjoy the SimpleNote support. Will there be any way to use the notes from nvUltra on iOS?

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Brett 4y, 322d ago

It stores everything in plain text files, so you can sync them with any service (iCloud, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.) and search, view, and edit from any capable text editor. I recommend 1Writer, but there is a 99% chance of nvUltra for iOS in the not-too-distant future.

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jb 4y, 345d ago

Still holding out hope for Simplenote support

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