Byword 2 improves sync, adds publishing

Byword 2.0 for both Mac and iOS platforms has been released. It may look the same on first load, but the under-the-hood improvements are great. Byword is one of my absolute favorite Markdown editors, and despite its billing as a “minimalist” editor, it packs a lot of editing power.
Dropbox sync has been significantly improved for the iOS versions, with better handling and offline rename and move. There are also overall performance improvements on both Mac and iOS. I’ve never had many problems with Byword as it was, but now it’s even better.
Publishing capabilities have also been added (for an in-app purchase of $4.99 US). You can send your text-based notes to Evernote, WordPress, Tumblr, Blogger and Scriptogram. Evernote is the only one of those I’m personally using right now, but it’s a handy trick. I tested WordPress publishing out, too, and that worked flawlessly. Byword doesn’t handle any additional media, but you can upload images to your blog and then link them without issue.
For a much more detailed look at Byword 2.0, check out Federico Viticci’s post at Macstories.
Byword for Mac is $9.99 US, and Byword for iOS is $2.99 US. Check ‘em out.